Tuesday, February 28, 2006

The Big Hurt (feelings)

I haven't been paying a ton of attention to the Frank Thomas-Kenny Williams drama, but Williams sure sounds like a major league a-hole. I haven't seen all of Thomas' original comments, but from what I've read, the Big Hurt was unhappy with the way things ended in Chi-town. He wished Jerry Reinsdorf would have returned a call telling him he wasn't coming back, among other things. Again, I haven't seen all of Frank's comments, and maybe he made fun of the size of Kenny's package, or something. Because Williams sounds like a childish, whiny little punk. He's calling him "selfish," an "idiot," saying the White Sox don't miss him...also, he apparently wants all pictures of Thomas taken down, and thinks a statue crafted in honor of him should include a skirt!

OK, here's the original interview. Thomas definitely sounds a little whiny, and a little bitter, but big friggin deal! Obviously he and Williams never liked each other very much, and it does sound like the White Sox organization could have handled the stuation (his departure) with a little more tact. Kenny Williams just won a World Series. It doesn't get any better than that. But he has to spend entire days in spring training bitching about Thomas? Who else thinks the Big Hurt is going to absolutely crush the Sox this year every time the A's face them?

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